Yeah, this is not a good picture. I'm just including it because my belly looks fairly reasonable here, sticking out about the same distance as my boobs. Doesn't everything look nicely contained? Then, not 24 hours later, Matt took this picture of me:
Good god, y'all! I was even making a concerted effort to stand up straight and even suck in a little. Yet, clearly, my belly has a couple inches on my bust. This is why it's taken me so long to accept that yes, I am actually showing, because I bet this is at least 50% bloat here. So my bump feels like a lie, but I guess it really is there, even on a good day.
As for the rest of alllll that, I am doing my best to put on some nice fat stores to support the kids in their insatiable third trimester. I'm up about 14-15 pounds now, which is insane, but pretty on-target for a twin pregnancy. And I have a healthy appreciation for that fat; it's nurturing and nourishing and it's going to (hopefully) let the potatoes grow big and strong. But man, looking at that picture, all I can think is "OMG BUTT."
I'm going to take my measurements at home tonight so I can start padding out my creepy, Silence of the Lambs dress form. I'd like to make a few muumuus dresses, because the idea of no waistband sounds unbelievably luxurious. Maybe something like this, easy and expandable:
I'm glad the weather will be warm when I'm at my biggest. As of April, I'm going pants free!
You'll be right on time: