Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 3

We have a couple new parenting quotes from Matt.  While washing Sarah's hair: "Let's scrub that soft spot and give you nice, clean thoughts."  And while feeding Hayley, a succinct: "Grow some teeth, you weirdo!"

Today is day three of Matt at work and me at home.  It's going surprisingly well; even when I get stereo screaming, it's just not as overwhelming or anxiety-inducing anymore.  I feel more practiced and confident at this mom thing.  Hear that, girls?  You can't scare me anymore!  I'm onto all your tricks.

Being a stay at home mom is dangerous, though.  I'm not making any money, and it's way too easy to go shopping every day.  The girls are always quiet and happy in their stroller, and the same old neighborhood walk gets boring.  But there's Flatirons!  And the Highlands!  And Cherry Creek!  And Lodo!  It's so pleasant and indulgent to go leisurely shopping on a weekday afternoon.  It makes me feel like the ladies who lunch.  I just have to remind myself that they're rich and not buying formula and diapers for two.

And now, have a sweet little Hayley face.  I'm proud of this picture; she's a hard one to shoot.  She inherited her mother's knack for always having her picture taken in a weird expression and with multiple chins.  But here is a glimpse of baby serenity!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

This is how it goes

One baby wants to sleep, one wants to squirm and make faces.

We had our third pediatrician appointment this week, and as you can see, Hayley's off her oxygen!  It's SO much nicer now that she's cordless.  Now we can hold her on either side of the room without dragging a tank around, we can pick her up without worrying about catching the tube and yanking her head back, we don't have to mess with tacky stickers on her temples or fix her cannula when it's jammed into one nostril, and we don't have a noisy, hissing and popping oxygen concentrator steaming up the nursery.  Freedom!  Oh, and yes, I'm also very happy that my child can breathe.  The next step is to take them to altitude, but they won't be ready for that for a couple months.  Just in time for Oktoberfest!